Saturday 4 July 2020


My partner Ruth and I have been ill for a few weeks with some kind of virus, we tested negative for covid 19 but our symptoms were fever, cough, loss of taste etc, so it was maybe covid 19's little brother or something. Anyway, I'm happy to say we're both pretty much back to normal, thank goodness it wasn't any worse for us.
Our first day out for ages, coffee in the orchard at excellent local organic project Pillars of Hercules.
The few weeks holed up not doing much at all have given me time to think about life and work going forward, I'm planning to do a lot less heavy physical work for a start.
As well as my therapy work, I've been helping to keep Perth Community Farm going with a few friends and think I overdid lifting and digging etc. one day, then got a bit rushed and half-hearted about hand washing and masks, had a few drinks that evening, and so laid myself open to the bug. I've been in denial about getting older but suppose I'll have to start making some concessions to being 67 next month...
The Perth Community Farm site - a small group of us volunteers has kept it going during lock down, I just think local food and resilience projects like these are so important, it's vital to keep them going. For how much longer are we in the UK going to have our food, everyday stuff as well as luxuries, shipped, flown, trucked in from the four corners of the Earth? It's a disaster however you look at it. More on my Natural Solutions blog here.
While we've been poorly, family and friends have been wonderful helping with shopping and sending us remote Reiki and Craniosacral treatments, which have been a huge help.
Remote work generally seems to have gone up a level, some of the swaps I've been doing with friends recently have been really amazing, so that's something I'll definitely be putting more energy into. I'll update all the remote stuff on this blog and add a bit about tutoring other therapists.
I know a lot of my therapist friends have been struggling through lock down and clinic life won't ever be just the same. Working remotely can be really effective, particularly when you can back it up with phone calls, emails etc. so I'd like to offer an opportunity to practise the skills, it could well be an option for therapists who do energy work or light touch work. I'll post more about all that soon.

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