Energy Work

Studying Chi Kung, the system of traditional Chinese energy development, has helped me to use my hands and focused intention to work with the many features of the human energy field. I can help them to flow, balance, reconnect, realign or just give them a boost.

Some of these features are well known, the chakras, or energy centres and the meridian system. Others are less well known, the patterns of flow within the central core channel, or the vector system described by Upledger and the inspir/expir rhythms of the internal organs, a focus of Barral's work.
I find it fascinating that every part of the physical body has a counterpart in the energy body with generally quite a different function and deeper significance within our human lives. For example, the internal organs are well known as emotional stores and processors, so key places to work. Again, I often find that working with the sphenoid bone has a balancing effect that goes across all levels. This often makes energy work a very effective way to treat patients.

Although CST has a firm basis in physical work from its roots in osteopathy, it uses a very light touch which can be lightened even further into focused intention, crossing over into the world of energy work. The techniques of CST can be given energetically and some of them transfer well to other energy techniques. For example, the gliding technique for releasing restrictions within the dural membranes can be applied to the central core energy channel. The way of giving CST, of listening, letting release happen, is also an excellent approach to giving energy treatment.

Energy treatment can be given in the hands-on way or across distance. Though there's no substitute for spending physical time with a patient, in some ways it's actually easier to give energy treatment remotely, for example, in switching focus between different levels of scale.
I also find that every part of the physical body has a counterpart in the energy body with generally quite a different function and deeper significance within our human lives. For example, the internal organs are well known as emotional stores and processors and I often find that working with the sphenoid bone has a balancing effect that goes across all levels.This can make energy work a very effective way to treat patients.