Frequently Asked Q'S

FAQ 1- Will treatment help my health condition?
There are some conditions that generally, but not always, respond well to treatment and other cases where my work is less likely to help. Every one is a unique pattern of nature and nurture and there is no knowing the journey any one in particular will take towards better health. It's fair to say that at some point in most peoples' lives work like mine can help almost anybody.
Headache, migraine
Back, neck, shoulder, joint pain
Digestive problems, heartburn, IBS
Recovery from accident, injury, illness
Long term stress
Relationship difficulties, bereavement, separation*

* I strongly recommend treatment if you are going through a separation or divorce. Looking at your patterns in relationships may help you to avoid repeating them in a new relationship and so reduce further turmoil. 

FAQ 2 - How many treatments will I need?
I usually suggest that patients have a course of three treatments. This will often be enough to give people significant help with their main health concern. I encourage people still to come for treatment after that as often as they feel it helpful, maybe even just once every few months. This can be enough to give long term health benefits and an opportunity to help with deeper concerns and issues as they arise.

FAQ 3 - How much will treatment cost?
Please see PRICING page.