What conditions can treatment help?

Treatment looks at the whole person rather than just a condition. Two people arrive at any given condition by quite different routes of nature and nurture and so their routes to better health will be different too. Having said that, people with some conditions seem to respond more freely than those with others.

Headache, migraine
Back, neck, shoulder, joint paint
Digestive problems, heartburn, IBS
Recovery from accident, injury, illness
Long term stress
Frequent throat problems
Relationship difficulties, bereavement, separation*

* I strongly recommend treatment if you are going through a separation or divorce. Looking at your patterns in relationships may help you to avoid repeating them in a new relationship and so avoid further turmoil.

Over some twenty years of giving treatments, I have seen people with a bewildering array of conditions and from a wonderful range of backgrounds. It's almost always worth trying a short course of treatment. That may be all you need to help you over a hurdle and you'll feel for yourself whether some level of further treatment will be good for you.