Thursday 23 August 2018

People getting on... or not...

I've been sorting through photos to get ready for a talk I'm giving to the Perth Organic Gardeners group about my eco adventures over the last 12 years. One of my topics is, "People getting on... or not..." Though I've been preparing it with eco projects in mind I've just realised that it's relevant for all the people who have family/relationship/work, even past life issues coming up for them at the moment.
When an eco project struggles it's not usually money, time management or the weather that's the main cause, it's usually Clashing Personalities and Aims.
Try getting a consensus with this lot...
We all tend to be playing roles in our lives, consciously or not, usually since we were born, or before, as our way of getting what we need: love, friendship, food, shelter, attention etc etc. The trouble is we often think that we are our patterns and it all gets out of balance...
I know this one! Mr Helpful...
One of my own patterns is being Mr Helpful. It's great now that I realise I'm playing it and generally get some balance between giving and receiving help. However, years ago I would exhaust myself through not being able to say "no" and then feel resentful when my needs weren't met. It's a very common pattern amongst therapists.
So whether you're working on an eco project, or in a difficult relationship at home or work, or keep coming up against the same stuff in your family or at school, have a think about your own patterns and those of the people your mixed up with... and don't forget to keep your sense of humour...
Here's a few more characters you may know, or even be sometimes:

...not always as obvious as this guy...

...the Dreamer, head in the clouds, even clouds in the head...

...the Drama Queen, oh my God! it's all going terribly wrong! SHRIEK!...

...when you're a wrench, everything's a nut... us The Way, oh great teacher...

...I just can't make up my mind about whether I'm indecisive!...

....obey all yea the Wondrous Matriarch and heed the words of Her Religion...

... or smoke yourself wise...

...I've got just TWO words to say, HA and HA!...

...Rugby players often find that the strategy of using brute force and over-bearing will to push people about often works for them in real life just as in their sport! What fun...
... and that's just for starters...