TREATMENT: Free Remote Group Sessions

I host these sessions most Wednesdays, 7.00 to 7.30 pm UK time - see the Time Converter to check the time in your area.


Anyone is welcome to join in from wherever they are, there's no video link or anything, you simply have to lie or sit down and keep as still as you can, relax with slow deep breathing, and set your intention:


Take a little time to ask for what you feel you currently need. Ask quietly to yourself for help with a particular health issue or for a general boost. Maybe something like, "Please may the Wednesday group energy help me with... " It's good to be open to the root of a health problem being in an area where you might not expect it.

As well as being for our personal healing, the sessions are a great opportunity to explore our psychic abilities, and our global healing, to explore our ability to link into a global consciousness, to understand and feel the whole biosphere of the Earth, maybe even to help to shape our own evolution into gentler more cooperative beings. In spite of all the craziness in the world, I feel a very strong positive life force everywhere within and around us, assisting our development as individuals and as a species.


My own intention is to host these sessions so that anyone anywhere can join in and receive at last some healthcare support - I'm especially thinking of the many people who have little or no access to healthcare. It's always the patient that's doing the healing, my role is to help you to connect with your own healing process in a more direct way, during the session and afterwards too. My intention is that any of the therapeutic techniques I've learned are available through resonance in an energy form to help to release restrictions and the flow of vital fluids and energy as appropriate. 



This is for whether you're joining in with the Free Remote Group Sessions on Wednesdays or for one-to-one sessions.

The energy centres, a bit like a string of pearls

INTENTION: first set your intention, it's good to do this quite carefully and thoughtfully. You might say quietly to yourself that you would like to receive or join in with the group, or maybe even write down your intention. You can ask for help with a particular health problem or body area, or you can ask for a general health boost. Importantly, what you may perceive as eg a back problem may have it's roots somewhere else, so it's good to be open to that idea. Just ask for the most appropriate help for you.
RELAX, BE STILL: you can lie down or sit down, either way it helps to get as comfortable and still as possible. Take deep slow breaths and allow each out-breath to help you to relax deeper and deeper. Some people find they slip naturally into a meditative state.
FOCUS AND VISUALISE: It's most helpful for tuning in to focus your attention on your chakras or energy centres. I recommend starting with your central centre, Tan Tien, then going down towards your feet, then going up towards your head, allowing them to connect with each other. Connect with an Earth energy centre, about three foot beneath you, through the soles of your feet and a higher energy centre about three foot above your head. Connect the centres in the palms of your hands with your heart centre. Allow all these body, Earth, cosmic centres to blend together into one ball of life force energy.

If that all seems a bit complicated just relax and set the intention for life force energy to flow where you need it. If your mind's chattering bothers you, just let the thoughts pass through. Keep gently bringing your focus back to what's happening in your body.

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