Thursday 6 October 2022



For this session, I'd like simply to focus up and down our central core channel on each element in turn, in whatever order feels right. So, as well as the chakras, let's focus into the energy of other structures that lie on our centre line, our pineal glands, mouths, oesophagus and so on. My idea is to let everything reconnect, recharge and rebalance - building up our personal energy while keeping neutral, ie not sending energy out or drawing it in, just sitting quietly in the flow.
Then let's connect with the cosmic energy centre about three feet, or a metre, above our heads and with the Earth centre about the same distance beneath our feet. Have a brilliant session wherever you are, here's the link to the Facebook group.

Monday 20 June 2022


One of the themes I want to explore a bit more with our remote group and my own work is REGENERATION:

MIT image of RNA

Why should some types of tissue be able to regenerate and others not? Scientists are good enough to say that they don't understand the process - maybe that's partly because industrial medicine ignores the hole phenomenon of our energy body?

Maybe if we can focus on the tiny energy bodies of cells and molecules we can help tissue to regenerate at that level. There does seem to be a transfer of information that we can tune in with. I have an idea that we can focus into the information flow between DNA and RNA.

(Is this partly explained by the Morphic Fields that Rupert Sheldrake describes?)


One of the tissue types that is supposed not to regenerate is the tissue forming the valves which help the veinous return of blood towards the heart - I've been exploring this for myself and for a patient. Clearly there are things we can easily do to help ourselves: reduce time spent standing still and walk more, I'm also finding very light effleurage self leg massage towards the heart helpful. Once some of the stress is removed from the veins can we help the legs to repair? Why not?

When you're walking the action of your calf muscles pumps your blood back towards your heart - through one-way valves in your legs  
This is the theme for this Thursday's remote group session, all welcome to join in from wherever you are.

Wednesday 2 March 2022


This is something I've been thinking about for years... as we develop our psychic abilities and evolve into the more peaceful, gentle and cooperative beings that we will have to become if we don't want to bring mass extinction down on our heads, maybe we could develop the ability to neutralise weapons?

In one of the Carlos Castaneda books, Don Juan uses psychic control to "switch off" Carlos's car, preventing him from leaving, by interrupting the energy flow to its spark plugs. Maybe we could find the weak link in other weapons' control systems in the same way?

And maybe we could send a beam of enlightenment and rapid evolution encouragement into the minds of these various reptilian monster megalomaniac leaders we're beset with...


I've been blogging for years but here's my first novel, a surreal, hilarious, bawdy, satirical romp through the Collapse of the Industrial World into the Sustainable Future, featuring incompetent, narcoleptic mechanic Danny the Monkey Wrench Kid and an exotic cast of misfits, dropouts, hermaphroditic sexbots, zombaloids, megalunks, a highly evolved Rescue Dog and an Earth Goddess...


I wrote it because I want to get all my ideas and experiences from the eco and therapy worlds I've blogged about for so many years out in a more dynamic, entertaining way - so it's very much in the style of a graphic novel. There's no issue that Danny is afraid to wade into, whether accidentally or not, be it gender and sexuality issues, violence and war, or the climate emergency that we seem to be doing so little about... GRAB YOUR COPY NOW!