Friday 22 June 2018


I've been working on the idea of extending our remote group work so that people who need a lot of help can tune in at any time. Here's my post in our Facebook group, FREE REMOTE HEALING GROUP NETWORK:

If you're one of the many people with serious health issues at the moment, and there seem to be so many, this group is intended to give you help. You can tune in at any time of day or night, for as long as you like, and as often as you like. The energy flow will adapt to work with any other treatment you may be receiving.
The energy source for this healing assistance work is infinite, the more that energy is drawn in, the more it becomes available to help everyone.
If you do some kind of therapy or healing work yourself, please join in with the intention of allowing your skills, understanding and experience to help to modulate the flow for human help, and to help the network of all life. Understanding of energy work of all kinds is very helpful, whether it's Chi Kung, Acupuncture, Reiki, Homeopathy and so on, and also of all kinds of hands-on work, especially of the kind of knowledge of Anatomy and Physiology that a surgeon will have. The most important aspect of sending is your intention. You don’t have to “do” anything, just listen and be available.
You can set your intention by making a simple statement to yourself, “Please may I join in with the healing network to receive help for...”, or, “I would like to join in with the group so that whatever knowledge and experience I have is available for all”. The wonderful power of your sub-conscious mind will take it from there.
Let me know if you have any interesting and helpful experiences through joining in!