Wednesday 25 March 2020

Remote Treatment

I was reading a post on one of the Craniosacral Therapy practitioners' pages I follow discussing remote therapy/healing work, whether Craniosacral Therapy, or CranioSacral Therapy, can be given in this way, what you should call it, whether without physical touch it's really not Craniosacral Therapy at all, whether remote therapy/healing work is all just bogus anyway, and also concerns such as, "If my patients can receive help remotely will they still come to see me?"

It made me think that now, with so many people locked down in doors, would be a great time to encourage any of my therapy friends who haven't already tried giving or receiving treatment remotely to practise with a friend who can give them good feedback. So...

No it can't, but a version of the techniques can be given energetically over a distance. Also, energy techniques can be given in a craniosacral way, eg you can work with a vector or energy channel as if it were a dural tube. Does it matter what you call a treatment other than to establish what it's evolved from? Isn't all therapy work evolving all the time anyway and isn't it good to keep exploring, trying different things?  CranioSacral Therapy itself is part of a succession of combinations of modalities.
"Never underestimate the power of touch," I've been told by several teachers, and it's absolutely true. You can't communicate with a patient in the same way remotely, as you can hands-on, feeling when they've gone really deep and when they've come back up to the surface, checking in with their experience. The physical body is a wonderful resonator for emotions and our best human assistant for understanding our patterns and lives better.
Remote treatments can be the most amazing journeys to give and receive. That they are possible at all must mean that we're all connected at some non-physical level - I think we're accessing an enfolded level of space and time. I've learned so much about the patterns within the flow of energy and the functions of the energy aspects of physical structures through remote work. Then there's that wonderful feeling you can get of being overshadowed by some deep therapeutic wisdom within the life force. Much of what I've learned working remotely has helped my hands-on work.
Simply put, I really like working both ways with patients. They're different but can both be very helpful, so if you haven't already, give it a go!
There's another page here which explains more about my remote work and how to join in with the regular free sessions.

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