Friday 10 May 2019

The Kidneys - Your Inner Terrible Twins

Yesterday's Free Remote Craniosacral Energy session, continuing in our year-long journey around the meridian system, was focused again in the kidneys, and very interesting it was too.
Real-lifeTerrible Twins:

One of the best bits of the Upledger CranioSacral training is learning how to help patients to focus their attention into different areas and even striking up a dialogue with organs, structures, even symptoms. The kidneys, as common health disruptors, often come up, so it was fascinating to focus into this area with our remote group. Initially, I sensed a completely different energy about each of them: the right kidney felt hollow, anxious, below par, while the left felt firm, detached, disinterested. This is just the sort of thing you find with hands-on patients, the kidneys can be squabbling away inside you just like terrible kids and you can help patients' health situation simply by asking each of the kidney twins what they need, independently and from each other.
Working with all the energy channels, meridians, core channel, cs fluid flow in the session seemed to help the kidneys to a happier place, but there still seemed to be differences between the two. That seemed to be the main message though, that they will always be at least a bit different and we shouldn't try to force them to be identical.
Your feedback for the remote group sessions is always very welcome and helpful. Feedback I've already had from this session wasn't obviously connected with the kidneys, a reduction in chest pain and a generally lighter feeling - but that's often the case, that work in one place helps to release tension somewhere else.
Thanks for your etheric company everyone and see you next time.