Sunday 21 April 2019

Bladder Meridian - 4th Session

The Free Remote Group Craniosacral Energy session coming up this Thursday 25th April will be the last one focused on the bladder meridian.
I saw this amazing photo by Christy Lee Rogers, "Harmony", in the paper - thought it was appropriate for our bladder/kidney focus

I included the kidney meridian in last week's session which seemed to work really well. I could feel different flows within channels running up the central core of our energy body, the meridians, the energy of the cerebral spinal fluid and other channels which I felt were the reflexology zones. I could feel how they linked in with the cranial bones, the sphenoid and the mouth.
A big thank you to everyone who joins in with these sessions around the world, they really help me to develop my work, in both the remote and hands-on way, I hope they help you too.
If you've not joined in before there's notes on how to here: Remote Treatment page.