Thursday 11 April 2019

Today's Remote Group Session - Bladder Meridian 2

You're welcome to join in with today's Remote Group Craniosacral Energy Treatment Session from wherever you are. The session will run from 21:15 to 22:00 pm UK time. More about the sessions and how to join in here. There's a useful time converter for other parts of the world here.
This is the second session focused on the bladder meridian in our year-long journey through the full meridian cycle. In the first session I just focused on the whole meridian and the flow within it, in this session I'd like to focus a little deeper and help us all to get a feel for what emotions and issues are ready to come up to the surface at the moment.
It's very interesting how our personal health concerns can be mirrored in the stuff around us in the industrial world, eg car problems or water and drainage problems at home

It's really interesting to notice how things that are going on in everyday life around you can be mirrored in what's going on in your body. The bladder and kidneys can be associated with deep fears, anxieties, insecurities to do with basic survival, security of everyday needs, money, food, even feeling physically threatened - the sort of stuff that can be lurking under the surface and which we cope with better some times than others. Lo and behold but what is happening outside our flat at the moment? Half the street is being dug up for work on the drains, water and drainage pipes have been carefully exposed, there's mounds of earth all over the place...
Let's be open to understanding uncommon associations too. Doing tissue/emotional release work with patients in practice you find that anything can be pretty much held anywhere.