Sunday 10 March 2019

Remote Group Session 14th March - Small Intestine Two - Here's the main players in your Small Intestinal Orchestra

Our focus all this month is the Small Intestine, in all its wiggley wonderfulness. We're going to continue exploring it's components and their functions, how they all work together in the physical and energetic way, and how we can help that all along.

These are some of the structures we are focusing into, they have their own physical forms and functions and are also individual energy bodies. They can have energetic functions quite different to their physical roles. They can even have their own personalities and it's sometimes possible to speak with them and gain a lot of insight into health issues. If you'd like to find out more about the physical aspect of our digestive system there's an easy overview at Medivizor.
We'll be concerning ourselves more with its energetic world. Here are some of the main players in the digestive orchestra:
PYLORIC SPHINCTER - exit valve from stomach into small intestine.
DUODENUM - final break down of food.
JEJUNUM - almost all absorption of nutrients.
ILEUM - final absorption.
ILEOCECAL VALVE - exit valve from small into large intestine
There's also some very important organs and ducts which work alongside the small intestine:
LIVER - digestive function: makes bile.
GALL BLADDER - store for concentrated bile.
PANCREAS - makes digestive enzymes.
COMMON BILE DUCT - part of the network of ducts bringing in enzymes etc
SPHINCTER OF ODDI - valve between ducts and small intestine, great name :-)
DJ JUNCTION - transition from duodenum to jejunum, another great name :-)
MESENTERY - folds of membrane which hold the small intestine in place.
How the ducts connect into the duodenum

The transition from duodenum to jejunum, or D.J. Junction

The Sphincter of Oddi