Saturday 3 March 2018

Movement in Stillness

One of the first things we learn in CranioSacral Therapy is Stillpoint Induction, bringing about a temporary pause in the craniosacral rhythm through light touch and focused intention.
Into the stillness,"Three Worlds", by Escher
It's a therapeutic moment for the release of restriction and readjustment, and patients find it very relaxing.

I've been doing some very interesting practice-treatment swaps with an osteopath friend here in Perth UK who has studied Biodynamic CranioSacral Therapy, a different version to Upledger CranioSacral Therapy, which has made me explore stillpoints in a deeper way. What I'm finding is that going into the stillpoint, there's that feeling of release and readjustment then a deeper stillness appears with a deeper, slower rhythm or tide within it. That changes and resolves then an even deeper, slower rhythm appears... fascinating times...
There's an excellent article here which connects with the work of Sutherland, Schauberger and others.