Thursday 8 March 2018

First Perth Chi Kung Plus Class

Thanks for your company everyone who came to the first class here in Perth last night, what a great bunch you are! Next class is in two weeks time, the 21st March, see you then. Inspire is a very friendly place and brilliant for teaching with its mirror wall, which makes it possible to demonstrate a move and watch people at the same time.
As well stretching and the personal and interpersonal energy work I had planned, I slipped in the Short Short Tai Chi form which I developed while I was helping Steve Jones to run and teach his Sector39 Permaculture courses back down in Shropshire.
Birth of the Short Short Form in Treflach Farmyard
Steve is really an afternoon-evening person whereas I'm more of a morning one, so it worked out well to fit in some Tai Chi before classes started, and the students found it really helpful. The courses were just two weeks long so there wasn't time to teach a full form - I learned the Cheng Man Ching Sort Form, which even though "short" still takes weeks and weeks to learn. My Short Short Form is a condensed version of it which you can pick up quite quickly but still has a lot of the basic elements and movements. You would find it a good start if you ever went on to learn a full form but will still give lots of benefits just on its own.