Thursday 12 April 2018

Hands-on and Remote Treatment - Latest News

Since we've moved back to Perth there's been some fascinating new developments in my therapy work - how great to be setting out afresh at the grand old age of 64... still 24 on the inside of course...
A Red Plum Branch against the Summer Moon
It's great to be seeing more patients in the hands-on way again. What I'm finding is that all the remote craniosacral energy work I've been doing over the last eight years has given me some fascinating insight into treating people in the hands-on way as well.

And being in touch and swapping treatments with old and new therapy friends has opened up whole new fields for me, like working with some of the understandings from the Biodynamic CranioSacral world.
Was there ever a time more right for people to start to look into the gentle, simple ways of maintaining health? If you don't already have some kind of complementary treatment I do urge you to start looking into it, and there's no need to wait until your ill! Prevention is better than cure.
There's lots of brilliant therapists working here in Perth. One of the problems for us in general here in the UK is that there's public attitude from growing up with our beloved and wonderful NHS that all healthcare should be free. People will spend money on cars and clothes but somehow their health has a low priority. Though individual treatments may seem expensive, when you think that you might only need a few a year and balance that against the likely boost to your health it will seem like the best value you're likely to get - health is wealth.
I realise that even if we aren't asking for all that much it's still more than people who struggle to pay for food and fuel can find, so that's mainly why I host my Free Remote Group CranioSacral Energy Treatments. If you don't know about them already you can join in via Facebook. The treatments combine CranioSacral Therapy and Energy Work/Chi Kung. The sessions seem to help some people in various ways, by giving a general boost and also by giving quite focused help into particular structures through the CranioSacral techniques.
Just recently, I've been working with the group to help people release deeper restrictions through looking for insight into their core beliefs and other patterns. I know from hands-on work that this can be some of the most helpful work of all. What I'm working towards is a simple framework to help people with this, simple questions they can ask themselves.
It's brilliant that there's now so many different groups sending out remote treatment. I treat myself most days and set the intention to receive energy from whoever is sending that is most appropriate at the time. I'm delighted to say that I find this really helpful for both my physical and non-physical health. I'm aware that many people around the world are struggling with serious health concerns without much access to help, they can all join in and receive at least some help and maybe a lot of help. Here's some further ideas that we've been experimenting with in our group with some great results:
I've been experimenting with this idea myself recently to help with a couple of my own health concerns, varicose veins and, from that, a touch of varicose eczema. I even went to see a doctor about it! - the first time I'd seen a GP in over fourteen years. On that last visit I was recommended anti-depressants for migraine... Fortunately the headaches shifted after treatment from Psychic Surgeon, Gary Mannion. On this trip the, very pleasant and friendly, GP prescribed a steroid cream which hasn't had much effect.
I think I can say that treating myself via Cosmic Ted is beginning to work though, Ruth notices a difference too, so I thought I'd share the idea as I know some friends in the group have long standing problems and they might be treating themselves as often as they liked in this way.
Choose something to work through, a stuffed toy is good, the more human-featured it is the better. The teddy bear I use seems to be great. Though he doesn't have knees and his ears are on top of his head I find it easy enough to imagine he has a human form. Then I suggest you connect in with cosmic and Earth energies in the same way as we do at the start of the sessions, asking that helpful energies and techniques flow to whatever area concerns you. There are lots of brilliant groups operating now so I ask to connect with whatever flow there is at the time or is available through non-linear time.
Then imagine that you and your surrogate have melded into one and hold the area in question in whatever way feels right. Be open to working with other areas, I work with my heart as well in this case, as varicose veins are of course a circulatory issue. It's good also to be open to issues around the concern coming up. If the dis-ease stems from an accident or a fall try imagining you can go back to before that time and sweep back and forwards through it, clearing and listening as you go. With practice, I think you'll be surprised at how effective this can feel. Let me know how you get on!
How do you clear out old stuff that comes up in any session from the turmoil of living in a family, going to school, working life - stuff that maybe goes back to your birth and even before?
Firstly, if you could just clear it out without learning some lesson from it you're likely to find yourself in yet another situation set up to teach you the same lesson.
There's a couple of questions you can ask that may help to clarify things:
- What did I need to receive?
- What did I need to say?
Where in the past you’ve been mistreated, misunderstood, treated unfairly, laughed at, ignored and so on:
- If you could write a letter to the other people involved what would you write?
- If there was a supreme cosmic court judging all the people, including yourself, involved in the situation, what would their judgement be?(I'm interested in contacting our inner sense of fairness here).
- What’s the big lesson for you to learn?
And above all - don’t forget to have fun with it!