Sunday 1 December 2019


The Meridian for this Month is the Stomach. It runs on from the Large Intestine Meridian in a complicated pattern around the face and mouth, a branch descending internally through the diaphragm to the stomach and spleen. Another branch descends over the surface of the neck, chest and abdomen to the groin where the meridian reconnects with the continuation of internal branch from the stomach. It runs from here down the leg to the top of the foot, terminating at the tip of the second toe.
I love the dramatic descriptions of Stomach Meridian disturbance: eg the patient may like to "climb hills, sing a lot, or strip and run about naked". I'll know what's up with that type now...

In Traditional Chinese Medical (TCM) thinking, the stomach is closely related to the spleen. Food is broken down in the stomach, the "pure" part is sent to the spleen for transformation into chi and blood. The "turbid" part is sent on to the small intestine.
Though this overview is miles adrift from our industrial medicine understanding of the stomach and its role in digestion we should bear in mind that TCM has evolved through thousands of years of observing and treating people, and of maintaining health in preference to treating illness. It has more to do with a poetic, holistic evaluation of a patient rather than a black and white, yes and no, mechanical investigation. Also, I think the stomach's role could include the digestion of ideas and information as much as food, and what a glut of data we are fed continuously. How much of it is rubbish and how much of it is pure?
At the end of the day, there's wisdom in both approaches, let's keep an open mind and go with what works for us.

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