Monday 29 July 2019

The sheer GALL of it...

We have an appointment this month with the Gall Bladder Meridian in our journey around our chi network. Amazing that most of us have not the slightest clue about such an important area of our bodies...
The Gall Bladder Meridian is associated in Chinese Traditional Medicine with impulsiveness and decisiveness, or lack of it, and is tempered by the careful heart.

The meridian itself has two branches, one going down deep to the liver and gall bladder, the other taking a zig-zag journey from the eye around the head to the shoulder, ribs and hip where the two branches combine before running down to the lateral tip of the fourth toe.
The gall bladder is behind your last rib on your right side
On the structural level, the gall bladder stores concentrated bile from the liver, used in our digestion of fats and oils. These two organs rely on a network of ducts which can be a source of various problems if they get blocked. By the way, Visceral Manipulation work, much more gentle than it might sound, can be very helpful in keeping all these structures working freely. Surely a good idea to try a gentle hands-on technique first rather than jumping straight into surgery or medication?
I think it's really interesting to see just how integrated all the components of the digestive system are. In the illustration above you can see how the gall bladder works with the pancreas delivering digestive juices through the Sphincter of Oddi into the duodenum. All this stuff working so cleverly away for us that we mostly don't have a clue about at all... the sheer gall of it...