Wednesday 9 January 2019


My focus for the last remote group session, Thursday 3rd January 2019, was the spleen - surprising really that after all these years of hosting these sessions I've never thought of exploring this little organ's roles before. It's been really interesting to find that it's very much an organ for our crazy times...
Fire of Transformation

It has many Western medicinal functions to do with with the immune response, and with blood filtration and circulation. One of its special functions is to remove and store useful elements from old red blood cells, like iron - but it's the functions of Eastern medicinal thinking that are even more interesting...
In Chinese medicine (TCM), the spleen acts in partnership with the stomach helping us to digest not just food but also information and ideas, transforming them for us into nutrition and energy, and what a load of industrial scale rubbish the poor thing's bombarded with these days - our hideous processed gunk industrial food and the horrendous overload of industrial amounts of information seething about us. The emotional symptoms of poor spleen function in TCM are worry, anxiety and over-thinking... does that resonate with you at all?
So for the next session, and maybe for all the January sessions, I'll stay with the spleen focus. I had an idea that the spleen is fundamentally, with the heart, a fire organ - let's help that fire of transformation to burn brightly for each of us.
Here's a link to a site which explains the spleen, and more, in TCM terms very well: TCM - Spleen.
With connections to the left kidney, stomach, colon and diaphragm it would be easy for a poorly functioning spleen to disrupt many other functions at the structural level.