Saturday 15 December 2018

Your Hand Bone's Connected To Your Chest Bone...

One great thing about getting more of your food locally is that you can find yourself climbing trees a lot more. It's wonderful spending time in woodland, looking after fruit trees, and brilliant getting higher up into trees and seeing the world from that tree top point of view.
Direct-from-the-orchard fruit tastes so much better than that supermarket stuff  and climbing is such great exercise. We're designed for it, with that super mobile shoulder joint.
The next time you're hanging by one arm up in a tree you might find it fun to ponder for a moment on the fact that the joint that's connecting your arm to your body is actually the tiny sternoclavicular joint.
There's no joint connecting your shoulder blade to your body, just lots of different muscles.
Then, still hanging there, think about your hand for a moment, and the billions of years of development that have enabled us to interact with our environment with such strength of grip and delicacy of touch.  

After tuning in, I'm going to focus on the connection of our hands to our hearts, taking it a step at a time: heart centre, sternoclavicular joints, shoulders, elbows, wrists, palm energy centres and fingers.
Have a great session wherever you are.