Sunday 28 October 2018


I've been exploring the various different rhythms of our heart and circulation and I'm getting the idea that you can best understand them in terms of music. I got an idea that the four valves of the heart work together a bit like a barber's shop quartet whereas the chambers have a deep resonance more like those enormous Tibetan horns.

Then focusing into the blood flow itself, just as there's a slower rhythm within the cerebrospinal fluid than the craniosacral rhythm itself, there seems to be a series of longer and longer tides within our blood's circulation, the long tides of the heart, with a music that takes in all frequencies, like the sea on a pebbley shore.
If you'd like to set your intention to explore all this yourself during the Free Remote Session coming up on Thursday 1st of November I'd be fascinated to hear what you find. And if you'd like to ask for help with a health issue as well or instead that's cool too! At the end of the day, aren't all our health issues at least partly heart issues?